Good call on taking a break. I appreciate the honesty here.

Muscles need different things at different times: stretching, massaging, ice packs, perhaps a sauna. Perhaps this "lighter weights, more reps" approach will help.

The other possibbility involves seasonal light. Eyestrain, from temperatures or dry air, have both mental and physical effects. Perhaps get your vision checked or change the way lights in your writing space are aligned.

Patience, either way. The year is young.

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This is so true about writing.

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Welcome back!

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My « reading muscle » haven’t atrophied, not even a little, I still enjoy reading your prose! 👁️🧠🫀

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I've always thought of it like running:

- You need to warm up.

- It always sucks for the first 10 minutes and the first few times after a long break.

- It gets easier the more often you do it.

- You may not feel like doing it, but once you get started it isn't as bad as you thought.

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I used to dedicate a lot of time to writting 15 years ago. I did so for 2 - 3 years consistently in a blog, but eventually I got a bit of impostor syndrome and I eventually stopped. I only came back to writing 3 years ago (a bit less than 2 years ago in Substack), and it was hard to get back to it.

Even if you don't publish your writting, do not stop writting. It takes a lot of time and effort to get back to it once you stop it.

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